· By Billy Westbrook
Scrubblade Helps to Support a Life Changing Cause
Scrubblade is happy to donate windshield wiper blades to all vehicles for The Other Side Academy in Salt Lake City, Utah!
The Other Side Academy, is a non-profit, two-year re-education/vocational facility focused on behavior modification to help adults that have struggled with difficulties like addiction, crime, job loss and homelessness to get their life back on track.
Many individuals that will be admitted to The Other Side have a history of social functioning, education/vocational skills, and positive community and family ties that have been eroded by their destructive and toxic lifestyles and choices. For them, integration back into society involves relearning or re-establishing healthy functioning, skills, and values as well as regaining physical and emotional health.
For the students that have never acquired functional lifestyles, the Academy could be their first exposure to orderly living. Recovery for them involves learning for the first time the behavioral skills, attitudes, and values associated with socialized living.
Rather than hire professional therapeutic staff, The Academy hires ex-convicts and ex-addicts who are graduates from Delancey Street to be our faculty and train our students to help manage the facility and help run the training schools that we operate within the facility.
The Other Side Academy adheres to the holistic principles of the Therapeutic Community that encourages individuals to take part in the treatment process as full partners, not as objects or patients.
The Other Side Academy is a drug-free residential setting that use a hierarchical model with treatment stages that reflect increased levels of personal and social responsibility. Peer influence, mediated through a variety of group processes, is used to help individuals learn and assimilate social norms and develop more effective social skills.
Due to the fact they are a non-profit organization and do not receive any Government Funds, they are always in need of outside assistance. Kenzie Mathews, from their In-Kind donations department, reached out to Scrubblade in dire need of wiper blades for their automotive department. We were happy to be a part of the journey of The Other Side Academy by providing wiper blades to all the fleet vehicles!