· By Billy Westbrook
The weather is cooling and the leaves turning; The signs that summer is officially over and Fall is FINALLY here! After busting out those jackets and boots, don’t forget that your vehicle is in desperate need of a wardrobe change too!
October is National Fall Car Care Month! Here are a few tips to get your vehicle geared up before the cold winter months:
Change the Air Filter – Dust and pollen accumulate in your air filter through the spring and dry summer months. A dirty air filter can decrease airflow, horsepower and your engine’s performance. Give your vehicle a breath of fresh autumn air by replacing your air filter today! Tip – If you can’t see light through your filter when you hold it up to a 60-watt light bulb, it’s time to replace.
Check the Battery – If you are having trouble starting your car during the warm weather, it would be a great idea to replace your battery BEFORE the cold winter months drain that last bit of life out of it. Not sure if you need a new battery? Your local auto parts store or mechanic can test it for you to make sure it is ready for the upcoming cold months. Don’t forget to make sure the connection is tight, clean and corrosion free!
Check the Tires – Though bulges and bald spots are normal on us, they should NOT be found on your tires! Have your tires checked to make sure they are properly inflated and have visible tread to prepare for the upcoming rainy and snowy months. Don’t forget about checking tire pressure – The pressure decreases as the temperature does!
Check the HVAC System – After using the air conditioner during the hot summer to cool you off, don’t forget your heating system to warm you up during the cold winter months! It’s critical your heating and cooling performance is up to standard for comfort as well as safety reasons. Also, be sure to check the rear and front window defrosters to make sure they are in proper working condition.
Check the Lights – With road conditions worse than any other time of year, be sure to keep your vision as clear as possible. Checking interior and exterior lights is key to a clear line of sight. Make sure headlamps are clean and replace any bulbs if needed.
Check the Fluids – Just like our skin needing to be extra moisturized during the cold months, your engine needs to be stocked up with fluids to get through the cold weather too. Engine oil, power steering, brake and transmission fluid, antifreeze/coolant and don’t forget windshield washer fluid - Check out our Wiper Tablets on Scrubblade.com – Just drop in your reservoir and add water!
Check Windshield Wiper Blades – Having a clear line of sight is CRUTIAL to driving safely ANYTIME of year! Check your wiper blades to make sure they aren’t too worn or cracked. To achieve peak performance, it is suggested you change your wiper blades every 6 months. If they haven’t been replaced recently, be sure to get them replaced before the rain and snow season arrive. Our Platinum and Heavy Duty Scrubblades are a perfect fit for almost any vehicle. Visit WWW.SCRUBBLADE.COM to see our entire line of products to get your vehicle prepared for the upcoming months!
Image provided by: Virginia Tourism